Monday, August 29, 2011


One of the most effective ways to gain a sense of freedom in our lives is to learn the simple art of forgiveness. I say "simple," but I do not say "easy." Forgiveness is not always easy, especially when we have our own pasts to heal from, our own present issues to deal with. Often we are faced with the choice to forgive or not to forgive when the person has not even offered an apology, and may never do so.
It is vital to remember that forgiveness is truly for the person doing the forgiving. Forgiveness can be a gift to the forgiven in some circumstances--it can lift their load of guilt a little bit--but it is the person who forgives who is truly laying down a load. Anger, bitterness, hurt, desire for revenge are all awefully heavy burdens. Whether an individual deserves our forgiveness is not really the issue. The question, rather, is: How much longer are we willing to harm ourselves by refusing our forgivess.
Let go. Forgive.

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