Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Quote

When I was in 6th grade, our teacher told us two write something about hands. This is the quote I came up with:

"Free hands are made to free tied hands.
Tied hands are made to put free hands to good use."

What do you think??????????


O.o Corey o.O said...

huh. i think thats really great. its a short n' sweet one. you could say a number of things about hands, and this a what you came up with? Wow! And its kinda like, everything has a purpose, like if danger wasn't there, then what would people who like to help people do? makes me think...(:

Cathryn E. Lokey said...

Thanks, Corey. I also was thinking about our sense of responsibility when I wrote it--like where more is given, more is required. Also, helping others can give us a wonderful sense of purpose. What could be more important than doing for others what they can't do for themselves?